Folic Acid Awareness Week

acid awareness

Folic acid is a B-vitamin that is necessary for proper cell growth. If taken before and during early pregnancy from a multi-vitamin or fortified foods, folic acid can prevent from 50% up to 70% of some forms of serious birth defects of the spine & brain.

All women between 15 and 45 years of age consume 450 to 650 micrograms of folic acid daily to prevent two common and serious birth defects, spina bifida and anencephaly. Women need folic acid, even if not planning to become pregnant. Women who could possibly become pregnant can consume 450 to 650 micrograms of folic acid every day. Few mode of consuming Folic Acid are :-


* Had a daily multi-vitamin containing folic acid.
* Eating fortified foods like breakfast cereals, pastas, or grains.
* Variety of foods should be the part of a healthy diet.
* All the enriched cereals and grain products.

Older adults need 400 mcg of folic acid every day for good health. But older adults need to be sure they also are getting enough vitamin B12. Too much folic acid can hide signs that a person is lacking vitamin B12. People older than 50 are at increased risk of not having enough vitamin B12. If you are 50 or older, ask your doctor what vitamins and supplements you might need.


thalassaemia2-medicosa Thalassemia is a blood disorder passed down through families (inherited) in which the body makes an abnormal form of hemoglobin, the protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen. The disorder results in excessive destruction of red blood cells, which leads to anemia. Anemia is a disorder in which your body doesn’t have enough normal, healthy red blood cells (RBC).

This disease is inherited, meaning that at least one of your parents must be a carrier of the disease. It is caused by either a genetic mutation, or a deletion of certain key genes.

What is Thalassemia MINOR ?

In Thalassemia minor, the hemoglobin genes are inherited during conception, one from the mother (egg) and one from the father (sperm). People with a Thalassemia trait in one gene are known as carriers or are said to have thalassemia minor.

What is Thalassemia MAJOR?

Thalassemia Major is a serious blood disorder. People with the Thalassemia Major has insufficient hemoglobin, the critical oxyzen carrying component of blood. Patients with Thalassemia Major need blood transfusions every 3-8 weeks to maintain hemoglobin levels and therefore at risk of Blood transfusion related infections like hepatitis C, hepatitis B & HIV. Iron overload with damage to the liver, heart, pancreas and endocrine glands.

With regular transfusion and removal of iron (chelation therapy), Thalassemics can live and grow into adulthood. If comlications are avoided, they can enjoy a productive life. Untreated Thalassemia Major eventually leads to death. The only curative treatment is bone marrow transplant.

What is the cause of Thalassemia?


Thalassemia Major is genetic condition and this means that it may be passed on to children by Thalassemia Minor parents.

  • Thalassemia Major can not be contracted in any other way.
  • Approximately over 10,000 Thalassemia Major patients are born in India every year.
  • Thalassemia Major child is born when both parents are Thalassemia Minors.
  • Most of the Thalassemia Major patients are diagnosed between 6 months to 24 months of child birth.
  • Initial symptoms include paleness, failure to thrive and abdominal distension due to enlargement of liver and spleen.

Thalassemia Trait Testing Details:-

Testing for the Thalassemia Trait usually happens in two parts :

Indicative Test : Complete Blood Count Test

This test is the same as the simple blood test that most employees go through this test during pre-employment checkups. However, most employers do not actively look for the Thalassemia Trait. Available at most nursing homes or hospitals.

Confirmatory Tests : Hb HPLC or Hb Electrophoresis for Hb A2 Estimation. Required only if the indicator test is positive.
Note:- Available at select testing centers only. Please contact your doctor to find a testing center near you.

Blood donationGet Yourself and Your Partner Tested for the Thalassemia Trait!

There are roughly 6 crore people in India who carry the Thalassemia trait. Since the trait doesn’t impact them directly, most of them are unaware of this. However if two people carrying the Thalassemia trait get married, there is a 25% chance that their children will have the dangerous Thalassemia Major disease.

Children affected by Thalassemia seldom live beyond 40. Their lives are continuously dependent on blood transfusions and medication. Permanent cures like stem cell transplants are very expensive and also very risky.

It is thus advised that people getting married should take a simple blood test and ensure that both the partners are not carrying the Thalassemia trait.

And now only thing we can do is just Donate your Blood and be a hope for someone’s life…

6 Steps to recover from Depression


Depression is a serious medical condition in which a person feels very sad, hopeless, and unimportant and often is unable to live in a normal way. It’s a time frame in which there is little economic activity and many people do not have jobs or may be issue or conflict in personal relationships as well.

Depression is just a state of feeling sad where person is unable to determine his/her strength it’s doesn’t mean that it’s any seviour mental problem. Depression can be treated without Drugs. Everything is so much easier today than it was back when we had to hunt and gather. Why doesn’t the convenience translate into happiness?

I want to highlight his six steps, however, because I do think they are crucial to a recovery program from depression, and I congratulate him on such a comprehensive book.

Depression  medicoSA

1. Omega-3 Fatty Acids

The brain needs a steady supply of omega-3s to function properly, people who don’t eat enough of these fats are at increased risk for many forms of mental illness, including depression. Across the globe, countries with the highest level of omega-3 consumption typically have the lowest rates of depression.

Clinical researchers have even started using omega-3 supplements to treat depression, and the results so far have been highly encouraging. For example, British researchers recently studied a group of depressed patients who had failed to recover after taking antidepressant medication for eight weeks. All study patients stayed on their meds as prescribed, but some also took an omega-3 supplement. About 70 percent of those who received the supplement went on to recover, compared with only 25 percent of patients who kept taking only the medication. This study–along with a handful of others like it–suggests that omega-3s may be among the most effective antidepressant substances ever discovered.

2. Engaged Activity

Engaged activity keeps us away from ruminating because ruminating causes depression. I understand his logic. Now days every one has to do work while sitting in their respective work places in that situation you can not divert your mind from the incident which hurts you.

The biggest risk factor for rumination is simply spending time alone, something Americans now do all the time. When you’re interacting with another person, your mind just doesn’t have a chance to dwell on repetitive negative thoughts. But, really, any sort of engaged activity can work to interrupt rumination. It can even be something simple.

3. Physical Exercise

Regular Physical Exercise probably helps ease depression in a number of ways, which may include:

  • Releasing feel-good brain chemicals that may ease depression (neurotransmitters, endorphins and endocannabinoids)
  • Reducing immune system chemicals that can worsen depression
  • Increasing body temperature, which may have calming effects

You don’t have to do all your exercise or other physical activity at once. Broaden how you think of exercise and find ways to add small amounts of physical activity throughout your day. For example, take the stairs instead of the elevator. Park a little farther away from work to fit in a short walk. Or, if you live close to your job, consider biking to work.

4. Sunlight Exposure

The symptoms of depression can interfere with your day to day life and for some people can be severe. You may lose interest in life and can’t enjoy anything, find it difficult to make decisions or concentrate and feel unhappy most of the time.

There are many causes of depression. Researchers are now discovering that vitamin D may play an important role in mental health and in depression. Vitamin D acts on the areas of your brain that are linked to depression, vitamin D affects the amount of chemicals called monoamines (such as serotonin) and how they work in your brain. Many anti-depressant medicines work by increasing the amount of monoamines in your brain. Therefore researchers have suggested that vitamin D may also increase the amount of monoamines, which has an effect on depression.

5. Social Support

Social support is a vital and effective part of depression recovery. It can turn around damaging isolation, affect a person’s life focus, and generate solutions for depression management.

Every human being wants to belong. This need is so strong that people will do nearly anything to feel like they are part of something.

Personal relationships form a safety net around individuals to protect them from too much isolation. Long ago, people who strayed from a group had a much harder time surviving the elements or avoiding starvation. While it’s physically safer now to live a solitary life, emotional isolation can still threaten a person’s mental well-being. So, it should be in limits otherwise ignorance of peoples might be drag you in more worst situation than earlier.

6. Sleep

People with depression can have many types of sleep problems. Generally, these involve getting less sleep than usual and include:

  • difficulty getting off to sleep – often because of lying in bed with thoughts going round in your head

  • frequently waking up during the night

  • waking early in the morning and not being able to get back to sleep.

Even if people with depression do get a reasonable number of hours’ sleep, they often wake in the morning feeling ‘un-refreshed’ and feel tired through the day.

Occasionally, people with depression sleep too much, finding it hard to get out of bed and spending much of the day there. Again, this does not tend to lead to these people feeling any less tired.

When sleep deprivation continues for days or weeks at a time, it can interfere with our ability to think clearly. It can even bring about serious health consequences. Disrupted sleep is one of the most potent triggers of depression, and there’s evidence that most episodes of mood disorder are preceded by at least several weeks of subpar slumber.